nerve pathway

英 [nɜːv ˈpɑːθweɪ] 美 [nɜːrv ˈpæθweɪ]

网络  神经路径; 神经束


  1. A nerve pathway ( neuro-association) unused will gradually atrophy.
  2. Surgical interruption of a nerve pathway in the sympathetic nervous system.
  3. The Filtration of the Breast Cancer Cell Inhibitory Peptide Aptamers in Nerve Growth Factor Signaling Pathway
  4. Experimental study on taste nerve signaling pathway between nucleus of the solitary tract and chorda tympani
  5. In the surgery, the spinal nerves are rerouted and if successful, the nerves regenerate ( over a period of6-24 months), creating a new nerve pathway that can control bladder emptying.
  6. Somatic cell hybridization is technique. surgical interruption of a nerve pathway in the sympathetic nervous system.
  7. Objective: to study the possible autonomic nerve pathway and effective substance of AMI rats with electric needle stimulating PC16.
  8. Effect of Electroacupuncture on the Permeability of Blood-Brain Barrier for Nerve Growth Factor and Its Relevance to PKC Pathway in Cerebral Ischemia Rats
  9. Regulation effect of nerve growth factor on Ras-MAPK signal transduction pathway in neurogenic inflammation of asthma
  10. Objective To observe the functional state of the optic nerve and discover the injury of visual pathway function in time under general anesthesia. The flash visual evoked potential ( F-VEP) was used to monitor visual function during orbital surgery.
  11. Aim To study the role of afferent renal nerve ( ARN) pathway in two kidney, one clip ( 2K1C) renovascular hypertension.
  12. And their functions in the course of the transferring of nerve information, adjusting of metabolize pathway, and the sythesis of peptides and proteins are vary.
  13. Auditory nerve auditory pathway integrity should be considered and included as one of the most important criteria for cochlear implantation candidate.
  14. Conclusions ( 1) The ABR results of noise-induced hearing loss are correlated with a gradual pathological process from outer to inner hair cells, then to auditory nerve and brainstem auditory pathway.
  15. Effects of Tablet Compound Red-rooted Salvia on Function of Sciatic Nerve and Polyol Metabolic Pathway in Diabetic Rats
  16. Conclusion: Acupuncture can inhibit over-expression of nNOS, decrease activity of NOS and reduce NO generation in MID rats, so as to exert a certain nerve protective action via NO/ NOS pathway.
  17. Integrated methods for assessing auditory nerve-auditory pathway integrity
  18. CT Diagnosis of the Abnormal Lumbar Nerve Root Pathway
  19. CONCLUSION: It is a highly sensitive method to trace nerve pathway by using CB HRP as tracer and sodium tungstate as stabilizer of TMB.
  20. Central conduction time ( CCT) and central conduction velocity ( CCV) of cervical lumbar or of scalp cervical segment, which could represent conduction velocity of the pulse along the motor nerve pathway, reached adult values before 6 years and 10 years of age respectively.
  21. Relationship between the pathway of vascular nerve terminal receptor and the pathway of cutaneous terminal receptor in rabbits
  22. Recently, a close attention to the neurogenic inflammation in airway which mediated by sensory neuropeptides secreted by sensory nerve and open a new pathway to study it's pathogenesis in asthma.
  23. Objective To discuss the feasibility and value of diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI) to reveal optic nerve and visual pathway.
  24. OBJECTIVE: To look for a highly sensitive method of nerve pathway tracing in order to provide a simple, objective and reliable method to study regeneration.
  25. The vestibular system is composed of vestibular receptors, vestibular nerve, vestibular nuclei and the relative projection pathway.
  26. AIM: Flash visual evoked potentials ( F-VEP) can monitor the function of optic nerve and rear visual pathway, and also know the blood supply of brain tissue near visual pathway.
  27. IGF-I was necessary for the proliferation of the nerve stem cells, which could affect the nerve stem cells through tyrosine protein kinase pathway.
  28. Maintain the dynamic balance of the body mainly depend on the nerve center of energy metabolism-gastrointestinal signal transduction pathway.
  29. Why the effects of acupuncture analgesia on ruminants is better than other animals? Is it due to the types of neurotransmitters, or different analgesia nucleus in central nervous system, or different nerve conduction pathway.
  30. And how to bridge connection spinal cord stump and to promote the reconstruction of nerve conduction pathway is an important research direction.



  1. a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain

      Synonym:    tractnerve tractpathway